NYC Marathon Training | Week 5

I am on Week 7 of the 17 week CrossFit Endurance War Horse Marathon Training plan, and here is what my week looked like:

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Monday – Rest because I did the Brooklyn 10 Miler the day before.

Tuesday – Interval workout: 1 minute ladder: 1 min on, 1 off, 50 sec on, 50 off . . . down to 10 sec on 10 sec off, back up to 1 minute. This was pretty rough, especially building back up to the 1 minute on. When I was “on” I tried to stay 7:30/8:00 min mile pace, and then “off” was more like 9:45/10:00 min mile pace and I attempted to recover my breathing.

Wednesday – Rest

Thursday – CrossFit516 partner WOD with Kim and Astrid. 1.5 miles of running, a lot of box jumps, and wall balls to cap it off.

Friday – Track workout: 16 Rounds of: 20 sec on, 10 sec off. I used the same pacing from Tuesday, and it felt pretty good. It was about 3 miles of running, with 1 mile warm up and 1 mile cool down.

have I mentioned how much I love these sneakers?

have I mentioned how much I love these sneakers?

Saturday – 7 mile “long” run, even though the training plan called for a 5k time trial. I had just ran (and PR’d) my 5K a few weeks back, so I am going to use that time to set some tempo runs this week. 10:00 min/mile pace.

Port Washington, NY

Port Washington, NY

Sunday – Rest

Mileage: About 15 miles between all the temp and speed work this week.

NYC Marathon Training | Week 4

Can’t believe I have one more week of “real” training under my belt. I’m following the CrossFit WarHorse/CrossFit Endurance Marathon Training Plan pretty much exactly, with the exception of the long run on the weekend. I do tend to make it a little bit longer than CFE calls for in some weeks. Here is how last week shaped up:

MondayCrossFit516 WOD –
For time, 3 Rounds of:
400 m run
15 Deadlifts (185/125)

At the 15 min mark do:

For time:
21 Toes to bar
21 Burpees
50 Double unders
15 Toes to bar
15 Burpees
40 Double unders
9 Toes to bar
9 Burpees
30 Double unders

The 400’s and deadlifts were my kind of workout, and the second half of the workout was just rough. I substituted singles for DUs, but did 3 times the amount of them to make up for it.

Tuesday – CFE Track Workout: 3 Rounds of (200, 400,  600).

CFE: Week 6 Plan

CFE: Week 6 Plan

Wednesday – REST

13 minutes of hell

13 minutes of hell

Thursday – CFE Interval Workout: Death by 10 meters. Do a 10 meter run on minute 1. On minute two, do two 10 meter sprints. Minute three, three sprints. I made it up to 13 minutes before I was DONE!









FridayCrossFit516 WOD: “Open workout 14.4″

AMRAP in 14 min of:
60 Calorie row
50 Toes to bar
40 Wall balls (20/15)
30 Cleans (135/95)
20 Muscle-ups

I only made it through 10 cleans! Woof! Reminder of why I don’t sign up to do the Open in the winter.

Saturday – REST (and beach!)

Sunday – My CFE plan called for a 60 minute Tempo run @75%, but instead, I did the Battle of Brooklyn 10 Miler + 2 Extra Training Miles (and beach again!) for a total of 12 miles.

Totals: Around 15 or 16 running miles, including two CFE WODS, and two CrossFit516 WODS.

Race Recap | Battle of Brooklyn 10 Miler

For me, signing up for races is the best way to stay motivated while marathon training. I only found out that I would be running the NYC Marathon two weeks ago, so I’ve been scrambling a little bit trying to fill in some weekends with training runs. I find it so much easier to do 13.1 miles as part of an official half-marathon, rather than attempt to run a solo 13 miles. Yes, there is the obvious cost of running races, but (in most cases) the entry fee is easily justified with the amount of water stops, support and camaraderie from other runners.
The first NYCRuns race that I ran was back in February for the Brr-ooklyn Half. Even though it was FREEZING, Roo and I really loved that race. The post-race hot chocoloate, yummm….. I was psyched when I saw last week after buying my new sneaks, that NYCRuns was partnering with JackRabbit Sports for a Battle of Brooklyn 10-Miler in Prospect Park. I signed up as soon as I got back to my desk (and prayed for relatively cool weather!). There were a couple of really appealing things about this race off the bat:
1) The packet pick-up on Thursday was at JackRabbit Sports in Union Square, just a couple blocks from my office. Easy, breezy.
2) Instead of another random race shirt that I’ll never wear again, they gave us pint glasses and really cool re-usable bags. I’ve already had a nice beer in my pint glass (spoiler alert: I finished the race and had a beer).
3) The start time was 8am. I have two little kids, and the weekends are totally all about family time. The earlier the race begins (and the faster I run), the more time I get to spend with my family. Not to mention, it was pretty cool and overcast that early in the morning, which is key for summer marathon training.
outfit all ready the night before

outfit all ready the night before

I set my alarm for 6am on race day, and gave myself 45 minutes to get everything together at home. Breakfast was toast with peanut butter and a banana, and I chugged some coffee. I had packed my bag the night before, so there wasn’t too much to do other than pin on my number and lace up my sneaks. It takes about 35 minutes to get from Manhasset to Prospect Park, and I knew I wanted to park on Prospect Park West so that I could get 2 extra training miles in (one mile to the start, one mile back to my car from the finish). There were a ton of open spots, so I threw my GuChomps in my back pocket, and ran a nice, easy 10:00 mile to the start line.
NYCRuns had signs up in the park pointing us in the right direction, so it was really easy to find them. I wanted to bag check my car keys and iPhone, but I forgot to bring a bag. No worries, someone at NYCRuns just gave me an extra yellow re-usable bag to use, and bag check was a breeze. I ran 3 or 4 minutes, stretched while I was in line for the bathrooms, and then it was time to start.
The first 3 miles I used as warm-up miles. I really wanted to NOT go out too fast, which is usually my demise in any type of race. If anyone has run Prospect Park before, you’ll know that there is really just one long-ish hill. We hit that hill around mile 2, so I was pretty warm and powered up it for the first lap of the park. Miles 3-6 felt pretty strong, especially coming off the downhill side of the park, and at mile 5.5, I had two GuChomps and some water.
The last lap felt tougher than it probably should have, but I just kept my feet moving and thought about all the fun things I would get to do after the race (eat a bagel, enjoy ShakeShack custard courtesy of JackRabbit Sports, and then spend a beach day with the fam). Anything to keep the time passing! At mile 8 I finished my last two GuChomps and turned my focus to finishing the race. I really loved that the last two miles didn’t really have any hills. Nothing better than finishing a race fast!


The race volunteers were helping people head in to the finish line (versus heading out on one more lap), so I was so thankful to finally be getting the wave in to the finish line! 10 miles in the books! My official time was 1:35:58 (9:36 pace). This was actually my first time doing a 10 miler, so hello PR! 😉
NYCRuns had tons of water available, along with bagels and bananas and ShakeShack was set up giving out custards and water. I didn’t really feel like waiting in line for the custard, but gladly grabbed a water, and found a spot on the grass to stretch it out. I ran my one mile (very slowly) back to my car, and headed on home to Manhasset.
Overall, this was a fantastic race, and I continue to be a huge fan of NYCRuns!
12 miles of running + beach day = a pretty damn good Sunday

12 miles of running + beach day = a pretty damn good Sunday


NYC Marathon Training | Week 3

I got the official news last week that I was chosen to run the NYC Marathon as part of Team MR8! I couldn’t be more proud, or humbled to run 26.2 in honor of Martin. 81 days to go!

Here is what I knocked out last week:

MondayCrossFit516 WOD
AMRAP in 10 min of:

15 Kettlebell swings (35 lbs)
15 Burpees
15 Pull-ups

Rest 5 mins, then do:

AMRAP in 10 min of:
5 Handstand push-ups
10 In place KB lunges (35 lbs)
30 Double unders

TuesdayCrossFit Endurance War Horse Marathon Training Week 5 Interval Workout: 1 mile warm-up, 8 Rounds of 30 sec on, 20 sec off. 1 mile cool-down.

Wednesday – Rest

ThursdayBeverly Homecoming 5K + 3 miles added on as a “cool-down”, 6.1 miles. CFEndurance Warhorse Marathon Plan called for 10K time trail, so I thought this was pretty close!


Friday – CrossFit Variance Dawn Patrol (5:30AM WOD) – SUP WOD. This was the highlight of my week. It was a gorgeous morning, and the water was warmer than I expected! We paired up, and while one person was paddling out to a buoy and back (around 6-7 minutes of paddling), the other person was running in the sand with a sand bag. BevHud and I did three rounds.

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Saturday – 7 HOT miles on the Rail Trail, 9:57/mile pace

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Sunday – 6 hour drive from Boston — > Manhasset. “Rest”

Totals: 2 CrossFit WODs, 1 CF Endurance Track Workout, 16 running miles.

Race Recap | Beverly Homecoming 5K

Marissa and I ran in the Beverly Homecoming 5K last Thursday night. It was our first time bringing the band back together for a Team HudsonStrong race since the Boston Marathon! It rained as we were pulling into Lynch Park, but stopped just in time for the races to start. AND we got a beautiful rainbow.

pretty perfect way to start the race

pretty perfect way to start the race

Before the 5K, Ellie and Emily ran in the 50 yard dash and 100 yard dash kid’s races. They crushed it, and got to wear real numbers on their shirts!

first race!

first race!

Team HudsonStrong headed to the starting line which was up at the top of the park. We were both wearing brand new shoes (Marissa bought hers an hour before the run, and I bought mine 3 days before), and I was wearing a completely new outfit, too. PS – The New Balance 890s are AMAZING. I also wore brand new camo lululemon Speeds, and the Uber tank-top I got on Uber Ice Cream Day. I hate pinning holes in my lulu, so I save tanks like these for races.

new balance 890s times two

new balance 890s times two

3..2..1..GO and we were off. I once again can not figure out how to start off with any semblence of control, so ended up posting a quick 7:37 mile 1. That is pretty fast for me, so I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold that for three miles. Mile 2 rambled through some really cute neighborhoods, which included a couple hills. Woof. Mile 3 had the biggest hill of all though, coming right before a nice fast 1/4 mile downhill into Lynch Park and the finish line. I was cruising through the last 200 yards and passed our cheering section, and saw that clock was just about to tick to 25:00. If I sprinted fast enough, I was probably going sub-25:00. I crossed the finished line, and my Garmin clocked me at 24:58 with my splits 7:37/8:03/8:22. It must have taken me a few seconds to get to the starting line, because my official time was 24:53, an 8:01 pace. Roo crushed it in 27:13, an 8:46 pace. PRs all around for Team HudsonStrong! It must be those new sneaks!

couple of personal records right here!

couple of personal records right here!

This is a race that we’ll definitely keep on the calendar for next year. It was so well organized, the course was beautiful, and it was really fun to watch the girls do the kid’s run. Loved it!

New York, New York // Team MR8

After the tragedy in Boston in 2013, I wanted to represent my hometown (and my hospital), and pledged to raise $5,000 as part of Mass General Hem/Onc Pediatric Cancer Center. While running the 26.2 miles this past April, I couldn’t help but notice the sea of Team MR8 jerseys, which is the charity that was set up in remembrance of Martin W. Richards, the youngest victim of the Boston Bombings. Team MR8 had over a hundred runners in the Boston Marathon this year, and when I heard that they were looking to build a team to represent the charity for the NYC Marathon this year, I jumped at the opportunity to apply for one of the eight spots.

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There are lots of people in the world who want to run (whether its one mile, or 26.2) but can’t for many different reasons.

I run for those people.

Martin Richards was one of those people.

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I am SO excited to announce that my application was chosen, and I’ll be running the NYC Marathon on November 2 as a proud (and honored) member of Team MR8.

If you are so inclined, please donate here.

The Martin W. Richard Charitable Foundation
honors Martin’s message of
No more hurting people. Peace
by investing in education, athletics and community.

Follow along the blogging adventures of marathon training! Always #HudsonStrong!

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